Fall 2023 – Spring 2024 Project

Visual and Storytelling Ethnography of COVID-19 Mapping Project in Latinx Communities

The Fall 2023 - Spring 2024 internship cohort focused on the Super Generation Monarchs: Im/migration Oral History Project. This project evokes the  “super generation” monarch butterflies, also known as the Methuselah generation, as a symbol of im/migration. These butterflies will migrate up to 3,000 miles to the Sierra Madre mountains in Mexico and are said to live longer and travel further than their previous generations.

Using the oral histories (interviews) collected in Fall 2023, interns focused on analyzing the collected data and creating a comprehensive zine during Spring 2024 that encompassed the stories collected and the themes of family and community support, challenges and nostalgia, cultural identity and assets, and more that arose from our collection.