March 2015 Your Voice, Our Voices
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Your Voice, Our Voices
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March 2015
Your Voice. Our Voice
What are some powerful example in which womyn has had an impact in our community?
How can we defy stereotypes that stigmatize womyn + their bodies?
Woman are strong
Women are inspiring
Woman are not just bodies, standing passive and silent
Women are loved, proud, bright and united
Women are powerful and influential
Women are beautiful
Women are bold, with swords to slay
Women protect, women, defeat
Women are inspiration
More than just pretty faces heaven lies beneath a mother’s feet
Women are everything
Women give life
Yep, women are pretty cool
Women are the backbone of communities and family
I’m every woman
So why are women constantly being put down by society?
A world without woman in like a sunset bled dry of its color
Women are the work force that is never given a day off, they maintain & perfect society from raising the young to fighting for their own rights
La tierra es mi madre. Ella nos crio. May que cuidarnos (?)
I read that no one ( ) the origin of the oppression against women. When and where did it start? If you know tell me… ima… let me stop… wait no
Ima ( ) end ~
As a society we need to look past the superficial view of women and take them for who they truly are, humans just like men.
The way in which sex was used in media and the everyday thoughts about women who act sexually
Barer of burdens
Misery isn’t a place for you
Society’s broad strokes
Have rendered you invisible
You create but are liberal with the hammer
Smashing patriarchy
And all that stands in your way
Towards liberation