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Sep 16 2020

Climates of Inequality with Edith Tovar and Juliana Pino

September 16, 2020


Virtual, Chicago, IL 60607

Climates of Inequality public programming for September 2020

Join us for a series of online conversations with environmental and climate justice leaders this fall. Speakers will highlight how front-line communities in the Chicago region impacted by environmental pollution and climate change and more recently COVID-19 are demanding justice and putting forward a vision to create healthier and safer communities. Students in LALS 495/ ANTH 494/ MUSE 400 will facilitate the conversations.

  • Edith Tovar and Juliana Pino Alcaraz with Little Village Environmental Justice Organization (LVEJO). On LVEJO’s #LaVillitaRespira Campaign in response to the Crawford Plant demolition and future construction of a distribution center by Hilco Co.

Climates of Inequality series is cosponsored by Department of Anthropology, Latin American and Latino Studies (LALS) Program, Latin American Recruitment and Educational Services (LARES) Program, Museums and Exhibition Studies (MUSE) Program, and School of Art & Art History.

UP NEXT: Wed. Sep. 30, 2020 | 4:30-5:30PM CST

  • Dr. Antonio Lopez, ECJ Scholar & Activist. On current efforts of EJ organizations to protect their communities, and shared lessons of power and environmental racism during the COVID-19 pandemic.
RSVP for Sep 16



Date posted

Aug 25, 2020

Date updated

Aug 27, 2020