Public Program Series
To find our past programs, check out the archives here
Zona Abierta Heading link

Zona Abierta (Open Zone)
highlights the intersection of arts, humanities, science, culture and civic life with presentations by local, national and international artists, scholars and community leaders about pressing social issues affecting the lives of Latinos and Latin Americans while making connections to other communities.
Civic Cinema Heading link

Civic Cinema
shows documentary films about pressing social issues to engage different voices on campus and neighboring communities. Scholars and community experts facilitate a dialogue following the film.
ABC Dialogues & Tours Heading link

ABC Dialogues & Tours
use the power of art and objects to spark storytelling, exploring collective creative solutions to common challenges using the LCC mural El Despertar de las Américas (The Awakening of the Americas). Reserve a tour/dialogue here.
ARTivism Heading link

invites creative practices to advance social and environmental justice. From student creatives to community artists, these art projects bring diverse people together to advance greater understanding of local issues and act to improve community life. Check out the art here.
Noche de Poetas Heading link

Noche de Poetas (Poetry Night)
brings together students and community members from diverse backgrounds to share and compare their life experiences through their own poetic words. This program is in partnership with four student organizations: MeSA, SAFEHR, SJP, and UPRS. Check out the Noche archives here.
Special Programs Heading link

Special Programs
Latino Film Festival every spring in partnership with the International Latino Cultural Center of Chicago.
Heritage Garden Heading link

Heritage Garden
is a hands-on paid internship program funded by the UIC Sustainability Fee, in collaboration with the CCUSC. Student interns connect horticulture with environmental sustainability, cultural diversity, and social justice through efforts such as the establishment of the monarch habitat. Find out more about the Heritage Garden here.
Reimagining Masculinities Heading link

Reimagining Masculinities Initiative
strives to cultivate, support, affirm, and create male allies and advocates. Through dialogues, films, workshops and personal stories, this initiative unpacks what it means to be masculine, and explores issues of masculinity and gender. Explore RMI resources here.
L@s GANAS Heading link

is a grant-funded initiative at UIC that supports Latinx science scholars through a multifaceted approach. The LCC lends its expertise in dialogue facilitation to connect science and Latin American heritages, helping these students shape positive identities. Find out more about L@s GANAS here.