Día de los Muertos: Communal Altar Installation 2023
October 30, 2023
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Día de los Muertos Fall 2023
Join the UIC Latino Cultural Center for this special commemoration!
Communal Altar Installation
When: Monday, Oct. 30th, 2023 • Time: 1pm-3pm CST
Where: in-person at the LCC, Lecture Center B2
We invite you to participate in our annual communal altar installation by bringing a photo or a remembrance item of a departed loved one to place on our altar, which will be on display until Friday, November 3rd.
Dia de los Muertos: Live Performance & Art Activities
When: Tuesday, Oct. 31st, 2023 • Time: 4pm - 6pm CST
Where: In-person at the LCC, Lecture Center B2
Join us for pan de muerto, sugar skull decorating, a face painting workshop, and live music. Attendees are invited to contribute to our community altar as we honor departed loved ones through storytelling. Activities are first come, first served.
Face painting workshop by Kaelyn Andrade ( @kaelyn_andrade)
Live music performance by Jose Alfredo (@thejosealfredo)
Heritage Garden Harvest Fest: Rest, Reclamation, Rebirth
When: Wednesday, November 1st, 2023 • Time: 1pm - 3:30pm CST
Where: In-person at the LCC, Lecture Center B2
Join us to celebrate the Heritage Garden’s 10th year anniversary! Create skull-shaped seed bombs for your community’s guerrilla gardens and monarch habitats, repurpose fabric scraps through creative expression, and celebrate this year’s unique harvest. We will be handing out teas, salves, seeds, and much more!
All audiences are welcome.
For access needs or questions, email us at lcc@uic.edu or call (312) 996-3095.
Date posted
Oct 9, 2023
Date updated
Oct 10, 2023