Getting Personal! with Scholarship Personal Statements
April 4, 2014
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Latino Cultural Center, Lecture Center B2
803 S. Morgan St., Chicago, IL 60607
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Presented by the UIC Latin American Recruitment and Educational Services Program and Latino Cultural Center
Many students want to apply for scholarship applications, but do not know how to begin writing their personal statement. If you are interested in writing a strong personal statement for a scholarship application, please join us for a fun, creative, and intensive two-day writing workshop. We will focus on a Latino and community-based scholarship application that addresses the following question:
- What field do you intend to pursue, and how will the Latino community benefit?
Explore ideas and topic sentences for your personal statement through an Arts-Based Civic Dialogue session using the largest indoor mural in the City, El Despertar de las Americas, for inspiration. Learn to correctly and creatively structure a scholarship personal statement.
Friday, April 11, 2014 … 3pm to 5pm at the LARES Study Area SSB 2640
Receive constructive feedback from a scholarship reviewer and UIC staff to improve your personal statement.
Dr. Leonard Ramirez, a member of the Illinois Latino Council on Higher Education (ILACHE), will be our guest speaker.
To attend both events, you must RSVP at or 312-996-3356.
If you require any accommodations please contact us at least three days before the event.
Co-sponsors: UIC Chancellor’s Committee on the Status of Latinos
Date posted
Jul 10, 2018
Date updated
Apr 14, 2020