2020 Resolutions in Action
February 13, 2020
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
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Join Mexican Students de Aztlán (MeSA), Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), and Union for Puerto Rican Students (UPRS) for their first Noche de Poetas (Poetry Night) of the Spring 2020 semester.
Don't miss out on the amazingly talented poets as they share their interpretations on this month's theme, “Resolutions.”
Leading the night will be our featured poet: Ariana Antonelli
- What are some of your goals for yourself this year?
- How do you maintain and keep up with your potential resolutions?
Ariana Antonelli is an English major at UIC with minors in Italian and Spanish. As language has always been an interest of hers, writing naturally became an important part of her life while she explored rap and poetry within the languages she studies. Her poetry highlights pulling universal truths from individual experiences with childhood and the influence of family addiction as central themes of a majority of her work.
All audiences are welcome to join us at this program. For accommodations contact the number below 5 business days before program.
Date posted
Jan 24, 2020
Date updated
Apr 14, 2020