Nov 7 2018

Native Migration Trails

November 7, 2018

3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Presented by the UIC Latino Cultural Center and the Native American Support Program

Join us as Hon'mana Seukteoma, indigenous rights activist, highlights her nation's views on immigration. As a sovereign nation that straddles the U.S.-Mexico border, the Tohono O’odham faces unique problems due to the U.S. presidential administration’s stance on immigration. Since the start of her channel in 2014, Hon’mana has reached over 254,000 views through her efforts to blend comedy, satire, vlogs, political and social commentary that are relevant to Native millennials such as herself. Her videos take a political stance as these policies and executive orders directly affect her community.

Through this presentation we invite you to reflect on immigration through a different lense and identify actions to support indigenous communities.

Hon’mana Seukteoma is the 22 year old Tohono O’odham woman behind the YouTube channel Seukteoma. Hon’mana has an active role in the grassroots group Indivisible Tohono where she engages tribal, local, state and federal governments by impacting legislation. It is important to Hon’mana that Natives are represented in the media and this is what she strives for with every video upload, protest attended, and efforts to impact legislation that affects Native communities.

When: Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Time: 3:30pm to 5pm

Where: Latino Cultural Center - Lecture Center B2

FREE refreshments and admission

[PDF] Native Migration Trails

This program is sponsored by the UIC Center for Student Involvement.

For more info, please call 312-996-3095.

All audiences are welcome to join us at this program. Captioning and ASL Interpretation services can be available by contacting the number above 5 business days before program.


Jocelyn Munguia-Chavez

Date posted

Oct 23, 2018

Date updated

Apr 14, 2020