Nancy Morales

Nancy standing in front of corn. The background is a blue to dark blue duotone of the heart mural along with the the Lead.Create.Change internship logo, covid-19 Ethnographic project title. Below are their name and major. On the footer, the latino cultural center logo on the left side and the url that leads to the internship page

I thought we were all alone in our experiences but through the interviews as well as through the readings and the [Climates of Inequality] public programs, they allowed me to learn and hear the stories and experiences people have had and how everybody has been affected by the pandemic in their own similar or different ways.

nancy with a mask in the middle of the city. Behind her is a light green mural imprint.

What is a research finding that you’ve found interesting through your ethnographic interviews?

Through one of the interviews I conducted I learned that students and staff at Little Village Lawndale High School have reported having migraines, feeling nauseous and even passing out, and this is most likely caused by the factory that is located right next to them. Hearing this made me feel shocked because the health of several people is at risk and so this is a public health issue that needs to be addressed, but it continues to be neglected throughout the pandemic.