Arab American Cultural Center Opens!

As the first of its kind in the midwest, the Arab American Cultural Center officially opened this semester, joining the Centers for Cultural Understanding and Social Change as the seventh center on campus. The ArabAmCC can be found on the first floor of Stevenson Hall, and provides space for students to study, gather, and host events, in addition to some computer space and program offerings. The other CCUSC centers have long supported the idea of opening a new space, and LCC director Rosa Cabrera was on the organizing committee early in the process, understanding the need for support as these students face unique challenges on campus and beyond, particularly in the recent political climate. The new center hosted their first annual graduation celebration this week in Student Center East, as an opportunity for diverse students to celebrate their achievements with family and friends, music and food!
Check out the ArabAmCC’s new website here, or read all about the opening in UIC news here