Solidarity Vigil for Muslim Communities

The Centers for Cultural Understanding and Social Change are deeply saddened by the terrorist attack on Muslims in New Zealand. The worshippers at the Al Noor Mosque and Linwood Islamic Center in Christchurch were targeted because of their faith.
UIC and Chicago’s Arab and Muslim communities are outraged and heartbroken by these acts of violence on March 15, 2019. Our communities have been forced to endure the violence of white supremacy and white nationalism and their tacit approval from right-wing governments for far too long. It is this same violence that targets synagogues and Black churches and the same violence that targets black and brown, LGBTQIA+ and immigrant lives, bodies, and autonomy.
Our UIC campus came together on March 18, 2019 to build stronger intersectional movements and deeper solidarities. We need to celebrate diversities and turn our emotions of outrage into action!
The UIC Heritage Garden honors the worshippers by planting a tree on one of their garden satellites.