LCC Resources for UIC student organizations

The UIC Latino Cultural Center (LCC) offers a variety of resources specifically for UIC student organizations affiliated with our center to support their missions and goals.
Resources include:
• Open House at the LCC: Participate in our open house designed for your organization to network. Sign up at the start of each Fall and Spring semester.
• Mural Tours and Arts-Based Civic Dialogues: Sign up for a tour or dialogue through our website. Learn more about our history on campus and connect social & environmental justice past and present.
• LCC website: Update your organization’s contact information after each e-board transition to be featured on our website.
• Co-sponsor LCC public programs: Connect a social and/or environmental issue to the work of your student organization.
• Noche de Poetas Request for your student organization to be featured as a guest. The LCC hosts monthly open mic nights with 3 student organizations.
• Día de los Muertos Talk to us about how we can collaborate! We host annual communal altar installation, workshops, and storytelling/ performance during this weeklong celebration.
• Announcements: Share your organization’s upcoming events through our community Avisos, that we send on Monday morning to over 7,000 listserv members. Deadline for submissions are Friday mornings.
• Meeting space: Visit our website and submit a space request form. The LCC’s gallery is one of the few spaces on campus available at no charge.
To Sign up or for more information please contact:
Lauren De Jesus (she / her) Civic Engagement Educator
UIC Latino Cultural Center - Lecture Center B2 | (312) 413-8344