Ayotzinapa Art Installation – Piloto, Spring 2016

In memory of Ayotzinapa (almost two years later), artist and sculptor Alfonso “Piloto” Nieves Ruiz created the following art installation—“We are Earth and Earth with Fire makes Stone: Ayotzinapa lives, the struggle continues!!”—installed by the north wall of Lecture Center B for the LCC’s 40th anniversary celebration on September 14 & 15, 2016:

“The parents and the community continue to hope for the return of the 43 students because, in the absence of authoritative proof to the contrary, they remain alive. In response to the Mexican State’s crime, I decided to create a representation of the 43 students in clay. We are all part of this Earth, and when you set fire to Earth it becomes rock. Now it is for the Mexican State to carry this great weight…The students remind us that we are all responsible—in some way—for what happens around us. We are all connected in one way or another, because we are part of the Earth, the universe, everything.” – Piloto