Migration & Transformation

This theme highlights the different migration experiences of people living in the U.S. and how this shapes their identities and sense of belonging in our society.
How does it feel when you’ve moved from the neighborhood that was familiar to you or the country where you grew up? What were some of the challenges that you confronted in this new place? What or who helped you adapt to this new place?
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Migration & Transformation audio story, 2018
We Latinos love expressing ourselves creatively. Here is my story, I will be graduating next fall from UIC! I wish everyone good luck on their finals.
Migration & Transformation postcard stories, 2014 – 2015
- I am thankful for the LCC and its initiatives. The programs and space have allowed me to connect with other students that are going or have gone through similar experiences. I am undocumented and no longer in the shadows. My migration and transformation story is still going. — Anonymous
- My family came to Chicago as illegal immigrants with the hope to get a better life. My father and his siblings crossed the border, no older than 10 years old. Their children, myself included, are a testament that hopes can come true. — Anonymous
- I support the undocumented community because as a student, I know the struggles of gaining financial assistance. Being an undocumented student it much more difficult, they too need the opportunities of gaining financial assistance. — Anonymous
- Always remember that all of us, are descendants from immigrant and revolutionist. In support of immigration. — Anonymous
- I support the undocumented community because we all deserve a bright future and the right to the same education and ability to put our creativity and ideas to improve our community. — Anonymous
- Our voice, our family, love all, support all. — Anonymous
- A right to live, a right to love, a right to work, a right to an education. Love and support. We are all 1, we are all the same! — Anonymous
- We’re all different shapes and sizes but we’re a community joining together for a better cause. You have my support in every obstacle you face! There are brighter days ahead! ? — Anonymous
UndocuAlly love messages ― February 12, 2015 at the LCC
- Being a daughter of immigrant parents has taught me to be resilient and to advocate for people whose voice and point of view is invisible. growing up in the US and learning about my mexican culture has allowed me to value my roots. Because of this, it has allowed me to have such a grounded Latina identity. As an educator, i have seen my students struggle financially and the emotional toil it has put on them to pay for their college education-which was filled me with so much anger to know that the adequate policies are not set in place to help my students success. Despite my personal story of seeing my parents struggle and my students struggle-they motivate me everyday to change the conditions we live in. — Jennifer
- To whom it may concern, I support the undocumented community because every student deserves an opportunity to become successful. We should all help the immigrant community to experience higher level education and the opportunity to have access to financial aid. why? we are all equal and we are all here to be someone in life. — Esmeralda
- Dear Legislators, My name is Erika and I am undocumented. I am currently studying psychology at UIC. It is very difficult for me and many others of my allies to reach higher education since we do not get any type of financial aid. I am tired of being tired because i work two jobs and at the same time, try to keep up with my studies. I am tired of seeing other students put their dreams on hold because they simply can’t afford it. Please I urge you to help us reach our goal and open up funds for undocumented students. — Erika
- Over two decades ago, a young girl came to the United States with eleven siblings and her parents. With immense courage, she emerged herself into a foreign world. Reaching and fighting for her future, she conquered all battles, and still continues to fight them. Tough she carries a weight, that weight is her sword and weapon, that will help her path to whatever more comes her way. — Andrea
- I support the undocumented community because i too have family members who fall in this category. I personally see the struggle and believe everyone deserves a chance. — Daisy
- Both of my parents immigrated to the U.S at age 16 and 17 from Mexico. Their migration were meant to be temporary, however, it turned to a permanent stay. If it wasn’t for them to a permanent stay to the U.S and endure all the hardship that many immigrants race, them i wouldn’t be here today. It’s because of them and their opportunities for my family that has guided me on my path. the immigration has not only led their paths but also created my own. through migration and transformation, it opens many inspiring pathways one can endure. — Alex
- My name is Natalie. I am an undocumented Guatemalan-American student at the University of Illinois at Chicago. I have lived 22 years of my life in this country that does not recognize me as its own. can you imagine that? My parents have lived more of their lives, invested more of their lives here than in our country. Passing legislation to a clear path to citizenship needs to happen now. Equal access to education and finance assistance need to happen now. — Natalie
- I support the undocumented community because every student should have an equal access to education and financial assistance. Sincerely a concerned ally. — Alonzo
- I support the undocumented community because my parents are undocumented and I know the struggle that comes with that, but everything is possible with the right mind set. — Michael
- I am the son of immigrants from Mexico, and growing up in a barrio…many of my friends were undocumented. The thing was that I never knew until we grew up; same with some members of my family. The stigma of being undocumented—especially for undocumented UIC students—is an oppressive force, which I as an ally, advocate to raise awareness for immigrants’ rights. Undocumented students at UIC matter too! Make a difference now! — Mario
- I know the hardship of the undocumented community. My parents were once undocumented and I have friends who are unsupported with less resources to help finance with school. I fully support the undocumented community!! — Anonymous
- We are all equal individuals, and deserve to be treated that way. Having my grandma fall under this category and knowing what a great person along with many others, I believe we should all get the same amount of assistance to become the best and to be able to provide for our family no matter where we are form! — Anonymous
- Freedom is what we seek, we’ve been in the shadows for years…which saddens my heart. I am an undocumented student, I am not a criminal, I am quite the opposite. I arrived to the United States as a baby, actually on my first birthday. This country is all i know, please pass the legislation. — Dayana
- I support the undocumented the community because of the hardships each member has gone through. Working difficult jobs and sending for a better future for their family members. — Erik
- Yes, I love and support undocumented students. All students should have equal opportunity to access financial aid. — Edith
- Hello, I think that financial aid should be open to everyone-including undocumented students. I support my classmates and this bill because it would allow them to potentially stay in school and graduate! Please support the Acevedo Bill because it would benefit all of us. — A citizen that cares!
- I support the undocumented community because an education should be part of everyones right. My mother came to the U.S undocumented and always dreamed of getting a better education. Sadly that wasn’t available for her at the time. Which is why I am here to fulfill that dream for her and myself. — Love Yaritza
- I support the undocumented immigrant community because no one should be treated differently just born on the wrong side of the border. Punitive immigration policy only serves to create powerful divisions between the human race. Language like “illegals” create wedges in the guilt of humanity and only serve to divide and reinforce the already existing divisions between people. Love is the only thing that matters. We should focus on strengthening the connection that bind people together, instead of enforcing the divisions. “people are people, so why should it be…that we get along so awfully?” — Sincerely, an ally, Debbie
- Our country was built on immigrant powers and the underdogs of the country. Everything from the revolution to the civil rights movement. This is next great paradigm. — Signed an ally to the people, Ronald
- I was my grandmothers farm hand when I grew up in Mexico. After collecting eggs in the morning for breakfast, the following morning before school was spent milking cows with my grandma. 16 years later,, I am now a respiratory therapist in the most renowned PICU in Chicago and study biology in the biggest university in the city. I also purchase my first home because of the education I was fortunate enough to persue. Denying hard working undocumented students the chance to make positive changes in the country would be a great tragedy. — Edgar
- I support the undocumented community because they have become an important part of our society. Undocumented students need a lot of support because they are part of our future.I support the undocumented community because everyone deserves an equal opportunity. The reason most undocumented people come to the United States is because they believe they have a better chance of succeeding. I believe we should help undocumented students specifically because they work just as hard as many other students, Whether it’s financially or not, they need our support. — Elva y Correa
- The U.S is a strong and wonderful nation because of its immigrants-past, present, and future-and will only become more so when we support immigrants who are striving to attain all they can, and reach their potential through education! — Kristy
- I support the undocumented community.The road to achieve an education is certainly a tough road for any student, but for undocumented students the hardships are many times greater because not only do we face hard times financially, but having to work takes times away from being able to feel part of the community. Sharing time with others help us grow and many times, we do not have time to do that which is why we need help and support. — Alejandra
Suspended lives: Immigrant families in detention centers ― November 19, 2014 at the LCC
- Mr. Bruce Rauner, My family came here to the U.S between 1985-1992. We left communism Poland. The U.S was very good to us. We were able to create a home here. However, I know about other people from Latin America, Asia, and Africa that are not as lucky as my family has been. I ask you to look at the Immigration Reform and Detention Centers for children and mothers. Please make a change in the lives of other people as that change was given to my family. — Father Michael
- Stop Family Detention Facilities! I support the immigrant community. My grandmother moved to the U.S from Mexico and had to go through a long and hard process so that she could have better lives for her children. — Alegra
- Dear President: Does the violence experienced by our community keep you awake? Where has your support gone to the undocumented & Migrant community? STOP Family Separation & Detention. ACT NOW! — Anonymous
- I am a daughter of generations of immigrants who came to this country through governmental services offered and became legalized in an acceptable way. Why can’t similar services such as obtaining a visa or a green card be offered in a more attainable or accessible way? My parents have done so much for the country of the United States of America as well as my grandparents and my grandparents. — Anonymous
- To Congress, STOP Family Detention. Children are NOT criminal or a “threat” to the country. Immigration is natural. These families do not have a choice but to flee their homes. As human beings we should care about one another. WE ARE ALL EQUALLY WORTHY OF BEING VALUED. — Anonymous
- My father was deported when I was very young. He resides in a very violent area in Mexico. Economically, he is stuck where he is. People have risked their lives to come knock on our doors and we jail them. Isn’t the U.S a country of freedom? Those that intervene with the attainability of asylum of those that really need it are the worst criminals. — Anonymous
Migration & Transformation postcard stories, 2013 – 2014
- My story of migration and transformation is about living in fear of my siblings being deported to a land that they have not been to in decades. I wish that something like Immigration reform and government officials have it in their hearts to pass something. — Anonymous
- I am also an undocumented student. It has been hard but anything is possible and I will NOT give up. — Dreamer
- My best friend migrated to the United States from Mexico. She said that it wasn’t easy for her, but she has proven that anything is possible if you don’t give up. She is currently a student at UIC and is succeeding. I’m so proud of her. You can do it! — Anonymous
- My friend migrated to the U.S at 15 and because of all of the discrimination she went back. — Anonymous
- Never be ashamed of who you are whether it is your language, culture, family, or origin, you should always be proud. It makes you unique, it makes you different, it makes you interesting. I am a Latina. Born and raised in America but with a Mexican culture. I am a proud Mexicana, proud of my parents immigrating to America to improve not just their lives but ours as well. Thanks to my parents I am at a university following my dream. I will make my community as well as my parents and friends proud of the Latina I have become. — Magali
- Born in in Oaxaca, Mexico, I came to the U.S when I was 5. I love both countries and do remember my roots and am always thankful of my parents efforts to give us a better life. Living in this country of opportunities has impacted my life and though I live here, I will not forget my roots and be successful for myself and my people. — Jessica
- My Name is Mauricio and I will soon graduate from UIC. Both of my parents welcomed America as a new home, and have worked hard so that our family can grow and fulfill our dreams. I am proud to be my parent’s son knowing how hard they worked to better our future. — Anonymous
- I am a 1st generation Mexican-American whose parents immigrated to the United States in the 1980’s. I understand their struggle with learning a new language and adjusting to a new culture, I personally was born in the state of Washington, I never truly had the time to enjoy my home state because I moved to Illinois at one years old. I have lived in Illinois for the last 24 years. I still wonder how my hometown in Washington looks like. I hope one day I can go back there and enjoy once again my little town in Washington. I’m a 1st generation Mexican American and I understand the struggle people who are undocumented go through and I support them. — Anonymous
- My mother and father migrated to the U.S from Ecuador in the mid 1980’s. They both come from the same city and lived only about 2 blocks away from each other. Ironically they did not meet until they came to the U.S, around the same time. This story means a lot to me because it shows that they were destined to meet while seeking to live a better life in the U.S. — Anonymous
- I am a fortunate migrant. I was able to choose to immigrate to Israel when I was young. As a Jew, I was granted citizenship in Israel and able to vote, work and enjoy all the privilege of citizenship. It was wonderful to live in a country where my religion was the one that determined the calendar and when we had holidays! However after 10 years I emigrated back to the US with my young family. Again- we were lucky because my children had my citizenship and my husband got it through me. Everyone should have the same chance for citizenship that we did. — Cindy
- 4 years ago I moved from Santa Barbara to Chicago to live with my father—starting a new life here in the city. I renewed my relationship with my father and other family members. I became member of the Native American community. I was in a sweat and it changed my life forever. I love the city and moving was the best thing to ever happen to me! — Elijah
- Migration and Transformation is an experience that comes into someone’s lifetime. It comes with success and struggles but it always helps with growth. Moving into the city was a huge change in my life although it came with adjustment it has been a great journey. — Anonymous
- All my family members are immigrants. The only lucky members that did not have to face paper check up and humiliation from racial profiling are my sister and son. My husband struggles constantly by not having a license or citizen papers. He is limited to better our living conditions for that reason. I was a victim of racial profiling in 2 occasions. Seeing how my husband gets discouraged from forming his dream, I also suffer because all my family is affected by it. — Anonymous
- My family migrated from Mexico. My mother and her siblings moved after her father passed away and my grandma was having difficulties raising 8 kids. The older siblings wanted to give the younger children a better opportunity. The plan was to only work and return to Mexico, it was changed. They have all come to the United States and have been here for 20 years. — Anonymous
- My cousin and his wife came from Venezuela to explore Chicago. My experience at the Heritage Garden reminds me of when they went to the Chicago Botanical Gardens, his wife, lourdes told me that she really loved the garden and I felt that coming to chicago and seeing that garden inspired them to make Chicago their permanent home. — Anonymous
- El Inmigrante trabaja para mantener a su familia. Se levanta a la 4 de la mañana just to go get his pay check taken away. Las lagrimas del imigrante le lloran a la virgencita pero no lo escucha. El inmigrante trabaja y trabaja y todo para nada. Ni un centabo… Pero el imigrante se vino para vivir su vida “Americana.” — Anonymous
- Both of my parents are legalized American citizens. It is a shame that I cannot say the same for my extended family. It is the saddest experience one could go through, the death of ones parents and not be able to say your final good bye because they died in your home country, and you are in the USA working, paying tax being a productive member of the “land of the free.” — Anonymous
Shadows then light, cultural citizenship on the ground ― November 20, 2013 at the LCC
- I was born in Mexico City. I came to Chicago when I was 6 years old. I decided to stay and learn English. Since my parents did not want to leave me, I ended up convincing them, and they asked my uncles to adopt me. — Anonymous
- My parents are both Polish immigrants who came to the U.S. undocumented. I support the immigrant community because so many different cultures are involved and affected. The stories my parents have told me are beautiful and I think the immigrant community is beautiful. — Anonymous
- I was raised by parents who grew up in India. Although I was born and raised here in Chicago, I definitely was able to understand life and experiences in India even though I have never gone. I believe that it is important to get in touch with your roots no matter where in the world you are. — Anonymous
- Many (most) of my friends are young Hispanic people, many of whom are immigrants or have family members who are immigrants. I support the undocumented community and I see how fearless, dedicated these friends are, especially those who are pursuing a postsecondary education. I support the undocumented community because they are our community. — Anonymous
- Both of my parents are immigrants from Southern India. Even though I have never had any experience with immigration firsthand, I know the transition to western culture was probably difficult for my parents. I visited India and noticed that there is a huge disparity between western culture and Indian culture. — Ashwini
- My parents were able to become “legal” with the 1986 Amnesty Act during President Regan’s Administration. Since the passing of my mother in 1998, many of my family members were not able to travel to the motherland where she wanted to rest in peace. It was when I noticed that many of my family members did not have the documents needed to cross borders. After the unfortunate death of my father in 2009, my siblings and I decided to lay my father here in Chicago. My visits to the cemetery are more often and it is a shame that all of my siblings cannot go visit our mother. I am hopeful that one day we will go visit our mother. I am hopeful that one day we will visit you and not fear our status. I am hopeful! Very hopeful! — Anonymous
- I was born in a small village in Greece – no running water, electricity, indoor washrooms, and paved streets. I was brought to the U.S. by my father and his dream to come here. All six of us wound up in Chicago in 1958. I was 11 years old, knew no English, and lived by Midway Airport with no other Greek people in the neighborhood. The culture shock has shaped my life. I understood early in life what it means to be an outsider and yet be a part of humanity – without borders, classes, and all the artificial dividers. Nobody’s essence is worth more or less than somebody else’s. — Anonymous
- I was brought to this country at the age of 8. I came with the idea of visiting my dad whom I had not seen for over a year. Not knowing the reality that my parents were facing back in Mx. of losing our home. After over staying our visas, the 1st day of school in the US, was the worst day I could off experienced at the age of 8, because no one spoke my language nor did I know how to communicate. It took me about 2 weeks to adapt to the new environment I was tossed into and learn basic communication skills. (Can I go the washroom? I’m sick, I don’t understand ect). This experience taught me the importance of communication and adaptation to new environments. Thanks to my parents, for calling out the school board of not offering ESL classes in the suburbs in this particular school, and based on my experience, the school implemented ESL classes within months. My dad always taught me not to give up regardless of the circumstances I get into; that is the plan I will continue to fallow for the rest of my life. Querer es poder… — Eduardo
I define myself undocumented and unafraid, portrait project ― September 11, 2012 at the LCC
- My name is Kemi. I am Nigerian-American. I am black and proud. I am undocumented and unafraid, unashamed, and unapologetic. I came to the United States when I was six years old, and now, 18 years later, I am still fighting for my right to remain in this country. I became aware of my status as a senior in high school in 2005 and became involved in the undocumented youth movement in 2007. While my future and that of my family and community remains uncertain in so many ways, I continue to hold on to my truth that we fight for more than papers, but for our right to exist, to self-identify, to reclaim and retain our dignity, and to be able to narrate our own stories through our own voices. — Kemi
- I’ve always been proud to be adopted. However, I never thought of myself as an immigrant until one of my Korean adopters helped me see the connection. As an adoptee, I was forced to migrate from Vietnam to the United States due to laws and policies at the time- that meant it was easier or harder to immigrate. — Anonymous
- Mi nombre es Janeth…Undocumented…Came to the United States at eight years old…con mi mamá y mi hermano…Soy una estudiante en Triton Community College. I joined an organization (Nuestra Voz). I am determined to finish college and graduate with a major in Latin American and Latino Studies. Unafraid. — Janeth
- My story is about my mother’s strength, courage and determination to come to the United States from Mexico. She was undocumented for many years until the 1986 amnesty. She spent her time working hard labor jobs in different factories, cleaning people’s houses to make an honest living. Although I was fortunate enough to have been born in the United States many members of my family remain undocumented. The struggle for equality continues. We need a comprehensive immigration reform. Stop deportations and let students learn, teach, and soar wherever they please! Dreams should have no boundaries! — Anonymous
- My name is Nikhol and I’m Indian. I guess Indian-American on Census forms and stuff, but I usually just consider myself American. My parents didn’t have a really hard time getting into this country. Not as hard as the parents of other leaflets on this clothesline anyway. I mean struggle leads a certain staying power to ethnic identity, you know? I guess that’s why there’s rarely any moment that I truly feel Indian. I’ve moved from Huntsville, Alabama to Portland, Oregon to Seattle, Washington to here. I’ve identified myself more by what I read than from where my body’s features came. Is that weird? — Nikhol
- I grew up in Humboldt Park, attended Roberto Clemente High School, and then moved to a predominantly White high school in a northern suburb. It was hard to fit in and be accepted. Teachers and students looked down on me. They made me feel ignorant and inferior. Later, I was able to prove myself and graduate with Honors and a grade point average of 3.8. I am now a senior at UIC. — Anonymous
- I was born and raised in Distrito Federal, Mexico City, Mexico. Unfortunately, Mexico’s education system failed in terms of teaching me the English language, so I suffered when I arrived to the Chicago suburbs where English and Italian were the predominant languages. Thanks to Mrs. Mendez, my ESL teacher, I gained confidence and improved my self-esteem. I feel the US system is designed to make immigrant children fail…I am glad I was not one of them. Now my personal goal is to assist others in succeeding and graduating…one at a time. Si se puede. — Alfredo, N C/O ‘03
- At first everything was different in a good way. I’m from Colombia so it was much safer here than it is there. However, when I started going to school it was very difficult because of the language barrier. I couldn’t understand anything any one would say. My mom’s cousin had to help me out with homework and I felt really dumb because I couldn’t understand anything. — Anonymous
- I came to Chicago when I was really young, and I remember. While boarding the plane for the first time I wondered what it would be like to be in a new country. A country that my father had told us was very different from ours, Guatemala. When I got out from the airport I remember how the cold entered my body. I had never felt anything like it before. At that moment I realized that my life would change completely. I knew nothing would ever be the same as it was back in Guatemala, the place I once called home. —EP
- I was nine years old when I came to this country. I am currently 18 years old, so half of my life I have been in Mexico and half in the United States. I have adapted to this new country and culture, but I will never forget the place where I was raised. I am an undergraduate in my first year at UIC. Life as an undocumented student has many challenges. I can’t receive financial aid from the government, so my dad is currently paying my tuition con el sudor de su frente. Sometimes I break down in tears knowing that I don’t have the opportunities that other people have as citizens of this country. Being Latina brings a lot more challenges to my life, but my goal is to break those stereotypes that categorize Latinos and force them to be too afraid to take leadership. Day by day, I hope that my father is not fired from his job, or that my mother doesn’t get deported. When driving, I am very cautious so I won’t give a cop a reason to pull me over. Every day I study until late at night to make my dad’s effort worthy. Every day when I pass by my favorite fashion stores I have the desire to work as a salesperson for them, but I hold myself back because I know they will ask for a social security number. Every day is a challenge for an undocumented immigrant, but my desire to succeed surpasses any fear. I will not be stopped from educating myself. One day, when I become a millionaire I will give out many scholarships to students like me who want to succeed in life by educating themselves and standing out. — Anonymous
- Fortunately I was born in this country and so I did not have issues with culture shock or feelings related to it. However, being socially recognized as a minority just created the issue of self-consciousness when I was among people of other ethnicities. I think coming to a diverse school really helped ease my personal outlook on “minorities.” — Anonymous
- I was born and raised here for the most part. However, my parents were not. Although they came to the United States with visas, they overstayed them. They are now US citizens. However, growing up, due to their status, seeking any type of help from programs was discouraged out of fear. — Anonymous
I define myself undocumented and unafraid, portrait project ― June 28, 2012 at the Jane Addams Hull House
- I grew up in Tecate Baja California, Mexico- a small border town that is better known for its beer than anything else. I came to America for college, or for the “American Dream”. I got here when I was 21 and have been in the U.S. for 5 years. Yet this culture of extremely different people has taken its toll on the way I perceive myself. I am not really sure if I am American or Mexican anymore. — Anonymous
- My name is Andrea and I am undocumented. I have been living in Chicago for over 16 years now. You would think that I would be accustomed to living undocumented by now, but I would be lying if I said that it gets easier with time. Nevertheless, the younger undocumented generation inspires and motivates me to continue and keep fighting for change. — Anonymous
- When I moved from the city to a suburb, I had to adapt to the new community. I was obligated to find a new grocery store, bakery, restaurants, and more. Nothing was located at walking distance. The closest place that I could walk to was a gas station. It was definitely a different type of culture. — Anonymous
- My name is Jorge and I am undocumented. I came to their country when I was 8 years old as my mom was hoping that we would be better off. Her struggle has made me who I am today. I will speak out until I reach my goals. My plan is to go to graduate school in the near future. I am unapologetic about who I am and who I want to become. — Jorge
- My name is Uriel and I arrived to the United States of America in August of 1993. I was two at the time. My two parents made a decision that would change the future of generations to come, including my own. I attended Walter Payton College Prep and now I am studying at UIC. I am 21 years old and plan to go to medical school in order to become a pediatric surgeon. I am undocumented, unafraid, unashamed, and proud of my history. — Anonymous
- Transferring from a school that was predominantly Hispanic and Black to a Catholic one that was predominantly White was not a very smooth transition. I was always labeled as the “new girl” or “the Mexican girl.” (The funny thing is that I am not Mexican, I am Ecuadorian.) My level of education was far behind that of the rest of the students. Teachers actually cared for my education at this new school. I came from a CPS school where teachers had low expectations. I was shocked by the dynamics of this new school. However, it was even harder to adjust to a “White” lifestyle. I felt I had to conform to their way of being and not keep my own identity. I felt I had no sense of a support system. Luckily, I am very proud of my roots and I let my true colors show. I let that define me instead of conforming. — Anonymous
- My story is about going to high school. I know, it doesn’t sound like the greatest story, but it was a scary moment for me. I went to a huge elementary school and the high school I migrated to was small. I didn’t know anyone! The first day of school I had my lunch in the bathroom. Sad, I know. However, the days passed and I began to make friends. Overall it was a scary experience at the beginning, but not too scary after a while. — Anonymous
- My parents came to the United States in 1990 when my mother was pregnant with my brother. They did this so that their children could have a myriad of opportunities that were not available to them in their native country, Brazil. Like many other immigrants, they struggled and worked tirelessly to provide for us, but settling in a community of immigrants in New York City gave them support and a sense of solidarity that helped them persevere. I sought that same community in college and every day I am inspired and reminded of the strength and resilience of which humans are capable. — Anonymous
- I have always lived in Chicago. Although moving to a different country does not compare, I felt the need to “adapt” to a new environment when I became a student at UIC. I transferred from Harold Washington College and I had to learn the UIC “lingo.” People here speak “funny.” They abbreviate EVERYTHING! I did get lost a few times, especially in the maze inside BSB. However, I now feel at home at UIC. — Anonymous
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