Moments of Joy & Reflection Project
Storming COVID-19 with Moments of Joy & Reflection Heading link

As we cope, let’s take a moment to reflect and share some joy in the midst of the COVID-19 storm.
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- To share your Moment go to the submission panel below.
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Spring 2020 Moments Heading link
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“I received an email from Radical Women in celebration of May Day honoring women on the frontlines of the COVID-19 crisis. This reminded me of my mother who is an essential worker packing gourmet salads. My mother is a resilient warrior, and thinking of her brought me so much joy! Yet, it breaks my heart knowing she's at high risk of contagion.” - Mario Alberto Lucero Ruiz | May 1, 2020
“I've been struggling to get started on the literature review for my dissertation. I reached out for help and many of my academic friends offered helpful advice and guidance. I finally found a process that works, and I am happy to say that I started and it feels so good.” - Cynthia Brito | April 30, 2020
“A moment of joy was when I helped my dad cook dinner for our family. Blasting música regional mexicana, the smell of sizzling chiles in the air, and the clanging of many pots and pans were all necessary elements for our feast of agua fresca, grilled chicken, mole, rice, and salsas (verdes Y rojas). I was like the Linguini to his Remy.” - Bianca Rosa Perez | April 28, 2020
“My moment of joy was learning about homemade remedies. It was interesting to hear everyone's method of using natural remedies to treat a cold and for hair treatments. The most joyous moment was sharing my experience–using onion for hair growth–which was similar to someone else sharing in the LCC Virtual Community.”
“Some of the native flowering plants and seedlings in my garden have begun to sprout. All throughout the winter I would burn firewood and dump the hot coals in my garden and spread them to help return nutrients to the soil. I am really excited to see how my garden grows this summer!”
“During this time I've been able to take advantage of the nature trails near my house. Nature really works wonders. Whenever I go for walks I am taken away by the birds' songs and the ducks' playful swim. Interacting with the natural environment has allowed me to manage my stress and has given me a space to foster clarity of mind.”
“You can now call me Chef Sarai! While I love eating, I have never been a fan of cooking. These past few weeks, my mom has been teaching me how to cook a variety of Ecuadorian & Bolivian dishes, which I looooove! The extra time in the kitchen with my mom has also brought us closer–I've learned more about her life before she had me, and I'm now more convinced that she's my hero.”
“One of the things I love most about the LCC is our office plants! I rarely have any real plants at home because I worry about how long I can keep them alive. The other day, I remembered that a few months ago I brought one of the LCC's office plants home. It is thriving and brightening up the room! I'm so happy to have a piece of the LCC at home with me.”
“During my time home, I've been cooking and baking–a lot. Occasionally, I make extra portions so I can share and exchange food with friends and family. Taking those drives out, seeing them (from afar), seeing their reactions, and feeling supported are moments of joy for me.”
“As I am writing this, I have a 30 min. left on my timer, indicating that my frijoles are ready to be enjoyed! During my time at home, I've put an extra effort into learning how to cook different foods, use different tools like a precision cooker, and experiment with different recipes. I hope to use this time to get into a rhythm with cooking and rely less on outside foods.”
“Early this morning I heard a loud and strange noise outside my bedroom window and to my surprise and joy two large geese were on my 7th floor balcony! They had found a place to rest for a bit among some tall dry grasses or perhaps there was some nesting activities going on. If they are nesting, I will have some time to do some outdoor community science and lighten my indoor physical distance!”
“Me and my siblings don't have enough time to talk because we have such different schedules. Now we have all been watching all of the old cartoons and movies that we haven't watched since we were kids, and even new shows too! My parents and I eat fruit together in the afternoons. My sister and I have been listening and sharing new music. All of us are sleeping a lot more and staying home.”
“My moment of joy was to have people support me when I was in doubt. I learned that my health needs are important and it's essential to express this to professors and colleagues. This LCC session [Community in Solidarity Check-in] was fun since we got to see someone play a tune from La La Land.”
“Today, my almost 2-year-old toddler learned how to ride a tricycle. It was a joyous moment and especially when they fell asleep with the helmet on after an ultimate cute tantrum! Working from home with a toddler means that all boundaries are blurred, and although it's challenging, I am grateful and lucky to have a job that brings comfort to students, faculty and staff during these stressful times.”
“Spending time with my kids (5 and 2) brings me sheer Joy of being together, doing art projects, finding worms in our backyard, and dancing. It also pushes me to find hope as we talk about how the whole world is working together to fight this virus, help each other, and heal our planet; as we practice social distancing to protect others in our community and give healthcare workers a fighting chance.”
“I have been doing so much cooking lately, which normally I don't have time to do. My favorite recipes are those which have been passed down from mi mamá, like pozole verde, picadillo, tostadas de tinga, and enmoladas. But I also have a few favorite recipes from friendsand other family, including Mexican lasagna (made with tortillas, frijoles, and salsa!) I love that food connects me to familia.”
“My moment of joy was being able to communicate with my family that don't live with me. I am able to see how big my nephew gets and I know a lot of families don't get the opportunity to communicate with their families, so I am grateful that I have the resources necessary to do that.”
“I recently brought all of my plants from my mom's house into my new apartment. My roommates and I spent the day repotting and figuring out where the plants would go. It has helped this place feel more like a home.”
“I've been able to dive inward like never before. I've been able to breath into new places and rediscover parts of myself that blurred into the background. By going deeper inward, I am able to project outward and help those around me during these trying times. Inner peace = inner empowerment. Inner empowerment = ability to empower others.”
“My 87 year old father who is living with dementia became isolated in his senior living facility once they closed the dining room and stopped allowing visitors. So he is staying with my husband and I for now, as we work from home. It has relieved a lot of stress and shown me that it’s not so hard to have him here. We get to reminisce through reading a memory book my daughter made with him, looking at his family tree, and watching a lifetime (mine) of slides he took on our many camping trips to national parks and on his world travels. My parents instilled a love of nature in my sister and through those trips and many hikes. I will always treasure this time with him, especially knowing how precious life is.”
“I love being involved with my music community but lately we haven't been together and this has been very hard on me. I miss seeing my friends & family but all this is going to be okay and I am optimistic that we will all heal from this. This moment has allowed me to start regularly practicing the violin and be closer to my loved ones at home. I am happy and healthy and I hope everyone is as well!”
“While navigating online workload and PreK-7th grade academics has been heavy during this time, I am so thankful for the silly moments I am sharing with these four young souls in quarantine. The competitive Taboo games and cuddles on the couch are priceless. We don't get these moments back and I am so thankful to spend this quality time with them.” - Tanya Cabrera
“I've been going on outdoor walks to get fresh air and sunlight (while practicing physical distance from others) and I'm really appreciating seeing the blossoming of flowers and budding trees. It gives me hope and it helps ground me right now. And it reminds me that spring is here and with it, a sense of renewal.” - Lorena Garcia
“My moment of Joy was finding out that DACA recipients can apply for unemployment! (If their work permit hasn't expired)” - Ana Karen
“This pandemic is shifting people's mentality of taking care of not only ourselves but also each other. I've noticed people are becoming more aware of how interconnected we are. Where structures and government responses lack, community responses are rapidly growing for the wellbeing of our collective society and of those at the frontlines.” - Carolina Macias
“I always had the excuse of not having enough time to cook. My cooking skills have improved these last few days. Turns out I actually enjoy it and it's definitely keeping me calm!” - Edith Tovar
“In an effort to prevent restlessness, my father and I recently took a walk around our neighborhood. I noticed this was our first walk together and also how much my neighborhood has changed. We can become so consumed in our everyday routines that we forget to self-reflect. This moment has allowed me to reconsider my interactions with loved ones and with the environment around me.” - Lauren De Jesus
"Two of my family members moved to a different city a while back, and one of them gave me a small trampoline they were not taking with them. I am fortunate to work from home in these times, and in between checking in on my loved ones to see how I can support and doing my work, and I’ve been doing some solid jumping in my living room to Ska music in Spanish. From my jumping perspective I get a view of the trees outside, the seedlings I am caring for indoors, and a small shelf where I keep the tiny things people I love have gifted me. My community is on my mind. ” - Ireri Sol Ireri Unzueta Carrasco
“I have been trying to declutter and get rid of material things I no longer need. I am thankful for the abundance in my life and know how privileged I am to be able to acquire things amidst this public health crisis. My moment of joy was finding old pictures which brought so many cheerful memories! Here’s to cherishing moments and the ones we love. ” - Jocelyn Munguia Chavez
“I have been trying to grow an avocado tree from multiple pits for months with no success, but this morning my blissful moment came as I noticed a tiny stem sprouting and bending for the light. This made my day and I am thankful for being able to put avocados on my table everyday–many people aren’t this fortunate. Is this moment changing us towards deeper collectivity and empathy? I certainly hope so.” - Rosa Cabrera