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Nov 14 2019


Thursday, 5:30 pm–7:30 pm

Community Poem Heading link

Why is it important to reflect on our own thoughts and feelings? 

We live in a society that constantly disregards mental health – we need to change this- we need to check in with ourselves to ensure our wellbeing is not being compromised- this would make us more in tune with ourselves and can lead to us being more in tune with each other.

We often get caught up on our daily lives, going day by day w/out reflecting; it is necessary to reflect on our own thoughts and feelings to grow and evolve w/out doing so growth won’t happen.

The more we speak our truth, the more space we fill up. This is something our ancestors were never granted. So it’s important to reflect on our thoughts on feelings so we can begin reparations.

Day to day, the things
We don’t say.
The things we feel,
The horrors that flay
Us from the inside out,
A shitty test grade,
No home or shelter,
A best friend, or
Gone unpaid leaving,
Us running too full or,
On empty-
Reflection draws us out,
Looks both ways and
Tell us, there’s
A way to be saved.

So you don’t off yourself